Sesshomaru instructs, "Rin, be gone from here...These demons belong to Zeref, they may be after you." Sesshomaru turns and begins fighting off the demons as they approach. Inuyasha and the Demons of the Panther tribe also begin fighting. Rin goes to take cover as ordered when she notices that a group of villagers from Lady Kaede's village that have come to join the celebration are trapped by a winged snake demon. Rin pauses as she observes the situation for a moment causing Jaken to stop and yell, "C'mon Rin, What are you doing !? We've got to get somewhere safe!" Rin demands, "No, Those people over there are being attacked...We've got to help them Jaken!" Jaken scolds, "Rin, are you crazy? That demon will swallow us whole. " Rin responds, "I can't leave those people, I've got to do something". Rin whistles for Ah Un to come for her. Ah Un is over at Rin's side within seconds, "Let's go Ah Un, we've got to help the villagers." Rin grabs some big stones from the ground and jumps on Ah Un's back. Ah Un flies up and right behind the snake demon. The snake demon turns around and Ah Un uses it's fire breathing to attack the snake. The snake demon screams in pain, "Ah you foolish girl, You are dead for that!!" The snake then attempts to strike at Rin and opens it's mouth so wide she can see straight down it's throat, It's two fangs are huge. Rin avoids the strike just in time by ducking her head down, as she does, she removes the large, sharp Japanese hair pin that was holding her hair into the fancy bun. Her hair falls to her waist and just as the snake opened it's mouth to strike at her again she used one fast sharp thrust and flung it straight into the mouth of the demon. It sped like a swift flying dart into it's mouth and it came out the other end of it's head causing a bleeding wound and hole. "AAAHHh" the monster screams again. Rin shouts, "Leave these people alone, They are unable to harm you so you will not harm them!!" The snake replies, " OH....I am going to squeeze the life out of you girl !!" Rin begins to untie her sash, she ties a small knot leaving a small tight hoop at the end of it. She responds, "Do you think I'm going to make it easy for you? Come for me!" Inuyasha looks up and sees Rin with the snake demon and he shouts, "Oh No Rin!!" Sesshomaru over hearing him shouting Rin's name, swiftly turns around and thinks: I told her to go, what is she doing? Just as he was ready to fly up to save her he sees her rapidly twirling something in her hand. It was a sling throw she made from her sash, she fit the stones in the loop at the end of her sash and used it to sling a huge stone at the demon, Her aim was perfect and it once again as swiftly as a bullet forced it's way into the eyeball of the demon putting out sight in the snake's right eye. Rin is quick to add more and more stones and uses the sash sling throw to attack the demon. Fed up and defeated, the demon falls back and slithers away. By this time the commotion is dying down. Zeref's demons are feeling defeated fighting with Sesshomaru, Inuyasha and the Panther Tribe. One of the demons now in humanoid form shouts out to Sesshomaru, " Our Master wants you to know that he WILL conquer your empire, Master always gets what he wants. Be seeing you again real soon." He flies off and everyone is trying to recover from the shock. Sesshomaru thinks: Zeref is not going to give up until I submit to being apart of his empire. Well that's fine with me, I always enjoy a good fight. Rin returns back down to where Lord Sesshomaru was standing. When Ah Un sets her down, she stands in front of Sesshomaru, he angrily stares down at her serious and stern faced. Rin looks back at him with big sorrowful eyes at seeing his displeasure of her actions. Jaken breaks the silence and speaks for Lord Sesshomaru, " Rin, What is the matter with you, scaring us like that! Have you lost your mind or something!? I suppose you did a good job getting rid of that demon, but still Rin...." Just then Kohaku runs up, " Rin, that was amazing....That snake demon didn't have a chance around you!" Rin responds, "Thank you Kohaku." She looks at Sesshomaru explaining herself, "I just couldn't stand by and let him hurt those people." Sesshomaru responds with slight anger in his voice, "He could have killed you, I thought I instructed you not to try and slay demons!!" Rin puts her head down in shame for disobeying him. Inuyasha is nearby and hears the whole conversation, he interjects, "Aw, give her a break Sesshomaru. She did great and without even having a weapon, she used her quick wit and training." Sesshomaru ignores everyone's comments and advice, "Jaken, Let's go. Rin, I will meet with you tomorrow and we will discuss this further. " Rin responds, "Yes, Milord." Kagome standing next to Inuyasha comments," I've never heard Sesshomaru ever talk sternly to Rin like that before, he must have really been worried for her safety just then." Inuyasha responds, "Well, of course he was but he has to realize she's not that same little girl he has to protect any more. She's a woman now and a Demon Slayer." Toran Runs to Rin at that moment, "Oh Rin, you're okay. I saw that snake demon but I just couldn't get to you but it seems you handled him all on your own." Rin replies, "How dare he and those other demons come here uninvited." Toran answers, "They were after Lord Sesshomaru, Zeref is greedy to rule all the lands from here and as far North as he can. Lord Sesshomaru has a formidable enemy on his hands but The Panther Tribe is behind him all the way. I'm just sorry that your celebration was ruined because of this." Rin giggles, " Oh Toran, This was the best day ever, nothing was ruined. In fact, I think this may have even solved a little dilemma I was having. Thank you for such a wonderful celebration." Toran and Rin embrace in a hug, "You're Welcome Rin."
The next day around noon when it is time to meet with Lord Sesshomaru, Rin takes Ah Un to the lake where there is plenty of grass and trees for him to graze on and she begins to hum and sing while she feeds the dragon demon. Sesshomaru is close by and can hear the sound of Rin's sweet voice singing and humming in the distance. He knows the lovely sound of her voice and he remembers how she used to sing to herself all the time when he had to leave her with Jaken or Au Un. Rin said it helped her not to worry about him while he was away for she always feared of his death, even though he is strong and powerful. He could always hear her pretty songs upon his return and he found it to be a pleasant welcome, though he never told her this. Rin caresses and speaks to Ah Un, "You were wonderful yesterday, You will always protect me...won't you Ah Uh?" Ah and Un both try to lick Rin's cheek as she giggles. Lord Sesshomaru approaches without Jaken by his side this time, as Rin looks up she see's him, "Lord Sesshomaru, Good day Milord." Sesshomaru speaks back, "Good day Rin, come let's sit by the lake." As they sit, Sesshomaru explains his reason for meeting, "Rin, I have given much thought to what we discussed. I know you want to fight evil demons however, it is not safe for you." Rin Replies, "Lord Sesshomaru, did I not handle the snake demon properly?" Sesshomaru responds, "You did well Rin, This time. Don't you understand? I don't want you hurt! It would be best if you came back to the empire with me to live, You've had enough time at this village." Rin thinks: He wants me to come back with him? I've waited many years for this moment.....but Lady Kaede, Kohaku, Toran and the others...I will miss them all so much, also I have something I wish to accomplish first. I don't want to give him my answer right now. Rin speaks out loud to Sesshomaru, "Milord, I have dreamed of this moment. I remember when I was a little girl, I once wished upon a star that I could be with you forever. My answer is Yes, I want to go back to the empire with you but just not right now. Please know that I don't want to fight demons or bandits for sport, I want to help those who can not help themselves like my family who had no one. I don't want other families to suffer the way mine did. I need to do something meaningful with my life, help others....I guess, I just need time to find myself. can you understand that Lord Sesshomaru?" Sesshomaru is disappointed with Rin's answer but he does not show this emotion, "Very well Rin, as you wish. Though I still can not give you my blessing to fight demons with Kohaku." Rin in a distressed tone, "But Lord Sesshomaru...." Sesshomaru stands up, interrupting her sentence, "I have given you my answer Rin." Rin stands up and gives Sesshomaru a hard, stern look but she quickly backs down as the wells of her eyes fill with tears. she runs over to Ah Un, slowly falls to her knees and begins crying softly there. Au and Un both nuzzle her face as she thinks to herself: Why is he so adamant about this, this is what I want to do. I just want to protect people like he has protected me. Rin hears Sesshomaru's voice behind her, "Rin, stand up and come here to me." Rin does as she is told. Sesshomaru wipes the tears from her cheeks and again lifts her chin up toward him, he kisses her softly on the mouth and his lips mingle with hers. Rin is in shock and her heart is racing. She cannot believe she is having her very first kiss with the man she has loved since she was a child; she continues to kiss him back. He stops kissing her after a minute and while still holding her chin up he says, "I can not lose you again. If you die this time there will be no way for me to save you." Rin cannot speak, she is too shocked by this whole experience that she just stares at him. Sesshomaru removes his fingers from her chin and begins to take leave but he stops without turning to face Rin. "Rin, you are a woman now, I can not stop you from doing as you will. Just know that I am against it." Rin replies, "I do understand Milord." Sesshomaru continues on to leave. Rin can barely breathe thinking of Lord Sesshomaru's kiss: This makes twice, Lord Sesshomaru confuses me so much...his kisses make me so happy I can hardly contain myself but then again, he angers me when he won't let me do what I know I was destined for.
Later the next night Rin is alone at Lady Kaede's Hut and enjoying her free time sewing a piece of fabric to a new Kimono she is making when she hears Kohaku's voice, "Rin, are you home?" Rin responds, "Yes Kohaku, I'm here." Kohaku comes into the hut, "Rin, I have something for you. Watching you kill that demon the other day, I decided that you should have a different weapon, so I went out and had this made for you." Kohaku hands Rin the killing instrument, it is a sling shot made of strong iron and can sling big, heavy stones. Kohaku explains, "Rin, you had excellent aim when you used that stone to kill the Snake demon, there's no doubt this is the weapon that is made for you...This will keep you safe, I know." Rin takes the sling shot in her hand and she feels the sturdy rubber that is used to toss the stones and the heavy unbreakable iron the handle is made of, however she looks sad. Kohaku notices the look on her face and says, "Rin, what's wrong? I thought you would be happy to get this. You can keep the Naginta as well although I think you will get better use out of this one" Rin explains, "It's not that, Lord Sesshomaru...He does not want me to go with you to fight demons, He is not going to give me his blessing Kohaku." Kohaku confused by this, "I don't understand, Why not? You did great with the demon yesterday, How could he say no after seeing you fight?" Rin exclaims, "He's afraid I will be hurt, He doesn't want me to do this. I'm so confused, I don't know what to do." Kohaku demands, " Well he's not in control of your life and he's not your father, why don't you just tell him your going to do what you want to do and he has nothing to say about it. Who is he to tell you what you can and can not do, you're no longer a little girl, maybe he has forgotten that." Rin looks up at Kohaku and thinks: Kohaku doesn't understand. So she explains, " Kohaku, I would never go against Lord Sesshomaru's orders. I have great respect for him, No he doesn't own my life but he is the reason I have life today. He is my Lord and Majesty so I will faithfully follow, serve and obey him, Just as Master Jaken does. If he wishes me not to fight demons, I will abide him. " Kohaku thinks to himself: When Rin becomes my wife, I won't allow Sesshomaru to rule over her like this any longer. The only man she will need to obey will be me, her husband. Kohaku Reminds Rin, "What about all your hard work, the years you spent training with me and Sango, is all that time going to waste, Huh?" Kohaku sits next to Rin and takes her hand in his, "Rin, I understand you feel you owe your life to Lord Sesshomaru, but you don't. You've got to experience life. You have to pursue your dreams. Your life has purpose, you were meant to save lives....don't let him take that away from you. " Rin thinks to herself: What Kohaku is saying is true, It's not up to Lord Sesshomaru to save me anymore, I have to make my own choices, my own decisions. Rin looks up at Kohaku, not responding but only thinking about what he is saying. Kohaku looks at Rin and can no longer fight the desire to kiss her; he slowly moves in close to her and closes his eyes, Rin closes her eyes and they kiss. After a minute or two Rin stops kissing him and wraps her arms around his neck "Oh Kohaku. I'll do it, I'll become a demon slayer." Kohaku holds her tighter in his arms. Rin feels extremely confused by the entire days events. Rin really likes Kohaku, she feels a girlish attraction to him and their kiss just now made her heart race however her heart also belongs to Lord Sesshomaru. To Rin, what she feels for Lord Sesshomaru is not a crush, It's pure love she has felt since she was 8 years old however, Rin is now 18 years old and she feels she should follow her heart and choose her own path. Rin decides she will become a demon slayer. |